
Tuesday 23 December 2014

1. Study when sleepy.
Bedtime stories are for wimps. Instead of reading The Berenstein Bears, try studying for a few minutes right before hitting the hay. During sleep, the brain strengthens new memory, so there’s a good chance we’ll remember whatever we review  right before dozing off . (Just try not to bring work into bed action, since it can make it harder to get a good night’s sleep.) And though bedtime is primo study time, it might also help to crack open the books after cracking open those eyes in the A.M.—in the morning, the brain still has lots of room to absorb new information.
2. Space it out.
A relatively new learning technique called “spaced repetition” involves breaking up information into small chunks and reviewing them consistently over a long period of time. So don’t try to memorize the entire periodic table in one sitting—instead, learn a few rows every day and review each lesson before starting anything new. 
3. Tell a tale.
Turning the details you need to remember into crazy story  helps make the information more meaningful. For example, remember the order of mathematic operations PEMDAS this way: Philip (P) wanted to eat (E) his friend Mary (M) but he died (D) from arsenic (AS) poisoning.
4. Move your butt.
Research suggests studying the same stuff in a different place every day makes us less likely to forget that information. That’s because, every time we move around (from the library to the coffee shop, or the coffee shop to the toilet seat), we force the brain to form new associations with the same material so it becomes a stronger memory.
5. Switch it up.
Don’t stick to one topic; instead, study a bunch of different materials  in one sitting. This technique helps prepare us to use the right strategy for finding the solution to a problem. For example, doing a bunch of division problems in a row means every time we approach a problem, we know it’ll require some division. But doing a series of problems that require multiplication, division, or addition means we have to stop and think about which strategy is best.
6. Put yourself to the test.
Quizzing ourselves may be one of the best ways to prepare for real deals. And don’t worry about breaking a sweat while trying to remember the name of the 37th U.S. president (fyi, it’s Nixon): The harder it is to remember a piece of information in practice mode, the more likely we are to remember it in the future.
7. Write it out.
Put those third-grade penmanship lessons to good use. Research suggests  we store information more securely when we write it out by hand than when we type it. Start by recopying the most important notes from the semester onto a new sheet of paper.
8. Make me wanna shout.
Reading information out loud means mentally storing it in two ways: seeing it and hearing it . We just can’t guarantee you won’t get thrown out of the library.
9. Come together (right now).
Group work doesn’t fly with everyone, but for those who benefit from a little team effort, a study groups  the way to go. Pick a few studious pals and get together every few days to review the material. Put one person in charge of delegating tasks (snack duty, music selection) and keeping the group on target with its goals. 
10. Drink up.
Sorry, not that kind of drink. Instead, hit the local coffee shop for something caffeine-filled; there’s lots of research suggesting coffee (and tea) keeps us alert, especially when nothing seems more exciting than the shiny gum wrapper on the library floor .

Monday 22 December 2014

10 Science backed Study tips 

1:-Study when Sleepy.

2:-Tell a tale.

3:-Space it out.

4:-Move your Butt.

5:-Switch it up.

6:-Put your self to the test.

7:-Write it out.

8:-Make me Wanna Shout .

9:-Group together .

10:-Drink up.

I will tell the science between these tips in my Next post.

Teach It:-Find someone who doesn’t understand the topic and teach it to them. This exercise forces you to organize. Spending five minutes explaining a concept can save you an hour of combined studying for the same effect.

Sunday 21 December 2014

Building and Understand 

Learning is a process similar to building a house. You aren’t fed the complete picture. Limitations on communication prevent the instantaneous transmission of knowledge. Instead you listen to lectures, read textbooks and take painstaking notes to try and comprehend a subject.
You are fed building supplies, bricks, mortar and glass. It is up to you to assemble the building. Unfortunately, most learning strategies fall into two basic types:
  1. Memorization – Instead of building anything you simply stare at each brick for several minutes trying to record its position.
  2. Formulas – This is the equivalent to being blind, fumbling around a new house. You can’t see the building itself but you learn to comeback  up with simple rules to avoid walking into walls.
There is nothing particularly wrong with either of these strategies, assuming they aren’t your entire strategy. The human brain isn’t a computer so it can’t memorize infinite sums of knowledge without some form of structure. And formulas no longer work if the questions they are designed to solve change scope.

Monday 8 December 2014

Importance of study

Importance of Study

If you study hard you can get a great and easy job with lot of salary and you can be a rich person and you can complete all of your dreams and enjoy your rest of the life and if you didn't study you won't get success and you won't have any thing and you will not get a good job and if you don't get a good job then you won't have money and you can not enjoy your life So my advice to you is study hard and you will get a successful life😊😊😊

Hard work

Hard Work
It is most important thing for students to get good grades in exam you need to work hard and you need to put your efforts in your study to get good grades You have to get good grades by your self no one will help you you need to work hard for success

Sunday 7 December 2014

Get Creative with online study tools: Don’t feel obliged to just sit in front of a book with a highlighter; there are many different ways to study. You should pick whatever works for you. Try using as many study tools and techniques as possible to help you study better and find what works best for you. Perfect examples of such study tools would be online flashcards, mind maps, mnemonics, online study planners, video and audio resources. Login to your ExamTime account now to access your free online study tools; mind maps, flashcards, study quizzes and practice exam answers and bring your study notes with you wherever you are.